My Home

Hi. My name's Mark. I'm not really sure what to put on here...

Maybe this can be a place where I can express my self without fear of judgment... Being gay, I've never really fit in. I mean some gay guys are butch but not me. I was never man enough no matter how hard I tried. Something always gave it away, I always stuck out like a sore thumb. Isn't it funny how school bullies knew you were gay before you did... I know this might sound silly to people in 2023, but I grew up in the country, not the city, where its still not very accepting. Anyways, I don't know if I'll ever feel fully comfortable out in the real world, but maybe it'll be nice to have an outlet online.

Click on these links to go to some of my other pages: (I will add these eventually)

My husband (I love you Honey!!) also made a webpage! Check out his site here. Don't be intimidated by his "blinkies" he's really a sweetheart once you get to know him.

My friend Opal also has a site, much better than mine, she's really good at this HTML stuff. She's helped me a lot with my page.



"Blinkies" - Opal showed me these little things. I think they're kinda cute...

It's OK to ask for help, suicide is never the answer. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Life begins at fourty! My husband isn't perfect, but he's perfect for me. Flower Lover. Love to garden! Spring is in the air. Mourning doves make me happy. I gaze at stars. The Twilight Zone. Book collector. I hate spam! Gay.